Thursday, April 23, 2009

Women Boaters – Ladies Being Passionate About Water Is No Longer Taboo

Ahoy! I find today that I am running into more and more women who are forsaking their male counterparts to escape to the tranquility of the water. Women are no longer stern adornments and sun goddesses (although I don’t think we would complain too much if you accused us of this). I remember the days of my grandmother boating – you know, the Tupperware toting mommas that took to a day of boating as if you were going to camp for a month – they packed more food, clothing, towels and safety items that if you ever happened to get stranded on the trip, the crews could take a few weeks and you wouldn’t be without. Don’t get me wrong, folks – my grandmother loved boating with her husband just as much as the next lady, but it wasn’t something she particularly found enjoyable. She was more worried about scurrying around making sandwiches all day on a wobbly fold-out table grandpa fixed out of bailing twine, duct tape and Liquid Nail than actually enjoying herself. (I am really surprised she didn’t pack an apron and the kitchen sink… maybe she should have if we had a bigger boat.) You would also never catch her on the boat, near the boat or thinking about the boat if my grandfather hadn’t been the one to go out on it. Lord knows when he sadly passed away, she no longer went boating.

Growing up we didn’t live on the water – so when we were able to go, it was a real treat. Since I was young I have always had an affinity for the home away from home that happened to be any body of water big enough for me to put my butt and feet in (at the same time). I always figured it was a primal instinct to desire to be near water. Perhaps when we were cave women we sought to find viable sources of drinkable water, food resources and perhaps beat out a few pelts on the rocks every month or so. I digress! Ahhh yes, women boaters. Are we really as rare as we once were 30 – 20 – 10 years ago? I am as passionate about boating and water activities as I am about graphic and web design (yes, that is pretty well right up there at the top of the list, folks… just above dark chocolate). In my teenage years it was more than just fun in the sun and working on a tan for prom – I really enjoyed myself. I found myself wanting to do more than plop down on a lawn chair reading the latest magazine and munching on bon bons and letting the men do all the work of the trip… not that there’s anything wrong with that. I love everything about the water, I love to boat, fish, swim, snorkel, heck you name it I’ll be first in line.

Gathering a fine group of cohorts, I decided to bring the subject up about women boating – am I as freakish as I thought I might be in my teens? Were women who actually liked to bait hooks, go crabbing and the first on board the boat a reality? Women everywhere – you no longer have to fear female stigmatisms about boating! You can honestly enjoy yourselves – and in different ways than men! Shaking the old gossip tree, I hit up some fabulous ladies that let me know what they like about boating, and here is what we have come up with:

My lovely daughter and her two girlfriends - we had fun that day!

· Peacefulness – you don’t even have to boat alone to achieve this.

· Relaxation – there’s just something about the water that entices you to slow down, unwind and take in its beauty.

· Out of touch – it’s not that you don’t love your phone and email and children calling you 23478942034265 times a day… really it’s not that, but lets all be honest – it is nice to get away… even if it’s around the riverbend. It is such a great excuse to disconnect - not that you shouldn't take your phone with you for safety, but it is a great excuse for you to turn it off (or at least the ringer) and become disconnected from the world and more connected with nature, with your vessel or with your sweetheart.

· Aqua travel – for those travelers out there, you can view the same town over and over again, but you have never seen it from the water? Taking a trip by land and a trip by sea can be two totally different experiences, don't miss out on your water travels!

· Freedom – to run off in wild abandonment… c’mon, who doesn’t like that? Seriously? No rules, just do what makes you happy!  Want to crash on a remote island all day?  Do it!  Want to just creep along the shoreline and see all the homes or wildlife?  Go for it!  There are no rules for the day on the water.

· Speed – whipping around corners, fish tailing and spin outs…they’re not just for the guys anymore. And we don’t mind taking you to the finish line either.  I have never to this day met more of a speed demon than my very own mother - she loves gunning it and hot dogging just as much as the next college frat boy.  So go on, get out there and have fun!

· Sunshine – anything in excess is not good for you (yes, even chocolate - please don't tell my thighs that, though), but a healthy dose of sunshine’s vitamin D and appropriate use of sunscreen will keep you feeling invigorated. Too many of us sit in office jobs all day behind the desk... being outdoors is a healthy retreat from business life and keeps your mind and body well balanced. After all, this is where we were meant to be... If your lifestyle is prone to be inside all day, feel free to enjoy yourself out on the boat away from computers, the internet, clients, and perhaps most of all... the boss!  After a day of boating you will feel like a new woman.

· Fishing – nothing more exciting than hooking a monster on the other end of your line. Plus, women like to be able to provide just as much as men, it is really nice to be able to bring home dinner for the family. Or at least awesome boating pictures you can share on Facebook

· De-glamour – you don’t have to do the make-up routine, you don’t have to wear pantyhose and you most certainly don’t have to worry about chipped manicures. Getting out on the water with the ladies can actually be very de-stressing for your 9-5 gal.  Just sit back, have a cold one, and enjoy being with your female friends for some male detox time.

· Girl stuff – boating is no longer the man hang-out and women are starting to stake claim to the water. Book clubs, brunches, morning coffee, great weather get-togethers, holidays, regattas, birthdays… women are finding more ways to share their passion with other sea-faring ladies.

So next time you want to hit the water, grab your gal pals and go out for a spin. Whether you are into trolling shorelines, fishing hot spots, social networking or taking a dip – take solace in knowing that we’re a growing group… and we love it!

Our boat transportation business here at Christine Transport has seen approximately 30-35% of women who are coordinating transporting their boats without the aid of their male counterparts (if there is one). It is exciting that women who love boating are going out and doing what they do best! If you would like more tips about choosing the right boat transporter for you, feel free to view our previous post about the dangers of illegal boat transporters. You can also view our boat safety tips page about preparing your boat for transport. If you have any questions about boat transporting - feel free to drop us a line or receive a complimentary boat transportation quote, we are more than happy to be of service to you!

If you don't take along your man, but would still like to include man's best friend on your sea vessel - here are some great boating tips for taking your pet aboard.

See you on the water my fellow sirens!

- Christine Barber -
Christine Transport
Free Boat Transport Quotes: 352-553-8637
“Get your boat to where the fun is."

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